Vasundhra Sharma
2 min readJul 22, 2020




It all started before her birthday when the breaking news of corona all around. And she celebrated her birthday then get locked in her own home as the emergency declared all over the country.

In the beginning, everything was going great. sleeping for late hours and nobody was disturbing her. she was doing the things she wanted too. she was recovering from her painful past which wasn’t easy for her. But she learned a lot of things and decided to change her life by changing little things in her life.


As the days pass, she wrote something in a diary and folded the paper of that note. After two months she reopened that dairy and opened the folded paper note of the dairy.

There were two lines ‘’ I will try to change one thing in my lifestyle. From now on I will wake up early. I will go for a jog.

And she smiled after reading those lines because she did it. but it was not the end. After a few days, her routine broke and she becomes lazy again. But she again stood up and walked again. she learned one thing that


It was just the first step. she had no job but she didn't give up on it. she always believed in herself that things will change and everything will be fine.

After a few days, she got a call for freelance work and she said ‘’YES’’ to it.

she was new not much experienced but she accepted that work and done nicely. Her work selected and got the payment for it. Her belief and motivation made these things true. she learned to be positive in every situation.

When so many things were going wrong in her life. she looked at a light which was coming through the closed door as it was saying don't worry buddy I am here with you too.

There were a lot of things in her TO DO LIST. she would keep trying to achieve all those new things until she wouldn’t reach the goal.

CONCLUSION: Lockdown taught us how to use an ample amount of time. how to be patient in this pandemic situation? Reunion with a family with more deep bonding. It taught the importance of little things in life.

There is a saying ‘’ Where there’s a will there’s a way’’

Always lookup for the positive vibe!

Hope you all like it. Share your views in the comment section.



Vasundhra Sharma

she is a writer and loves to write poetry and prose on different topics. IG: lovesoulinpoetry& Facebook page love soul in poetry. Do support & follow her